
To use pylighthouse in a project:

import pylighthouse.pylighthouse as lighthouse

Basic Scheduling

You can schedule workloads onto nodes like this:

 import pylighthouse.pylighthouse as lighthouse

 distor = lighthouse.PrioritizedDistributor.from_list(
         "name": "cluster-member-1",
         "resources": {
             "cpu": 6,
             "mem": 12,
             "disk": 50
         "name": "cluster-member-2",
         "resources": {
             "cpu": 4,
             "mem": 16,
             "disk": 40
       "name": "cluster-member-3",
       "resources": {
           "cpu": 0.7,
           "mem": 1.3,
           "disk": 17
         "name": "vm-1",
         "requirements": {
             "cpu": 0.2,
             "mem": 0.1
         "name": "vm-2",
         "requirements": {
             "cpu": 0.3,
             "mem": 0.3,
             "disk": 1
# =>
#    "vm-1": "cluster-member-1",
#    "vm-2": "cluster-member-1"

As you can see, attempt_assign_loads takes a list of workloads and attempts to assign workloads to the nodes given to the distributor at construction time. It returns a dictionary with keys being the names of the workloads and values being the names of the nodes to which those loads were assigned. If workload could not be assigned to a node, the value is None for that key instead.


The name field for each workload and node must be unique to that node or workload, or bad things will happen to innocent people (you. At least, I hope you’re innocent :P).

Node resources and Workload requirements are free-form and can be arbitrary.

Note that the requirements in a workload need not include all the types of resources found in nodes. In the above example, each node has mem, cpu and disk attributes, but the requirements need not list all of these as requirements.

Placement of workloads onto nodes is not guaranteed. That is, simply because room exists for all workloads, this does not mean that pylighthouse will be able to figure this out. You can help pylighthouse get better at packing nodes tightly using the BinPackDistributor discussed below, and you can also increase the capacity of the nodes.

Distributors and the nodes they contain are stateful. They remember workloads previously given. So after this code:

parent = lighthouse.Node.from_list([
    "name": "parent",
    "resources": {
        "patience": 1
a = lighthouse.Workload.from_dict({
    "name": "kid-a",
    "requirements": {
        "patience": 1
b = lighthouse.Workload.from_dict({
    "name": "kid-b",
    "requirements": {
        "patience": 1
pr = lighthouse.PrioritizedDistributor.from_list([parent])
result1 = pr.attempt_assign_loads([a])
# =>
#    "kid-a": "parent"

Running this code afterwards:

result2 = pr.attempt_assign_loads([b])

Would result in this assignment:

    "kid-b": None

This reflects that there is no current room for the second workload, as the first has consumed all resources.

Placement Strategies

pylighthouse comes with several different distributor classes, all of which place workloads onto nodes. PrioritizedDistributor is the simplest, but may not offer the best fit of loads onto nodes. RoundRobinDistributor is also offered as a simple way to distribute workloads semi-evenly across a cluster of nodes. In general, BinPackDistributor will attempt to pack as many workloads as possible onto as few nodes as possible and is, in general, recommended.

The following code will be referred to when discussing each of the placement strategies below:

import pylighthouse.pylighthouse as lighthouse

      "name": "node-1",
      "resources": {
        "cpu": 2,
        "mem": 8,
        "disk": 60
      "name": "node-2",
      "resources": {
        "cpu": 6,
        "mem": 6,
        "disk": 20
      "name": "node-3",
      "resources": {
        "cpu": 4,
        "mem": 2,
        "disk": 40
workloads = lighthouse.Workload.from_list([
      "name": "req-1",
      "requirements": {
        "cpu": 8,
        "mem": 8,
        "disk": 80
      "name": "req-2",
      "requirements": {
        "cpu": 8,
        "mem": 8,
        "disk": 80
      "name": "req-3",
      "requirements": {
        "cpu": 8,
        "mem": 8,
        "disk": 60


With a PrioritizedDistributor, pylighthouse will attempt to assign workloads to nodes in the order they appear in the given list of nodes, and in the order the workloads appear.

This is the result if the above were run with PrioritizedDistributor:

distor = lighthouse.PrioritizedDistributor.from_list(nodes)
# =>
#    "req-1": "node-1",
#    "req-3": "node-1",
#    "req-2": "node-1"

In this example, all nodes are assigned to node-1 because they can all fit on node-1 and it appears first in the list of nodes given, so it is tried first every time when loads are assigned to nodes.


With a RoundRobinDistributor, assignment of workloads is done in the order given in the list, but placement attempts for each successive load starts on the node just after the successful placement of the previous load – in a “round robin” fashion.

This is the result if the above were run with RoundRobinDistributor:: RoundRobin:

distor = lighthouse.RoundRobinDistributor.from_list(nodes)
# =>
#    "req-1": "node-1",
#    "req-3": "node-3",
#    "req-2": "node-2"


This strategy requires additional information. A rubric must be specified. In discussing the example above, we will assume in our discussion that the following code is also part of the script we are building:

rubric_dict = {
    "cpu": 1,
    "mem": 0.5,
    "disk": 0.025

BinPackDistributor attempts to pack in as many requirements into as few nodes as possible. In order to do so, the caller must specify a rubric. This gives quantities that will be used to score each workload and node by multiplying each quantity for a given node or workload and summing the results. If a quantity isn’t in the rubric but is in a node’s resources or a load’s requirements, the quantity won’t count towards the score. if a quantity is in the rubric but isn’t in a node’s resources or a load’s requirements, the score will be computed as if the quantity was 0.

The score of any given node or workload semantically corresponds to the node or load’s “size”. Therefore, as long as the quantities in nodes and loads that are scored via the rubric are positive, it is recommended to always specify positive quantities in the rubric as well.


Specifying negative quantities in the rubric is possible, but should be rare, and should be intended only to multiply against a requirement or resource which will also always be negative, such as those discussed below under Wards and Immunities. If this rule is not followed, BinPackDistributor may misbehave. As a rule, if the value is expected to be negative, don’t include it in the rubric.

If BinPackDistributor was used in the above example, the result would look like this:

distor = lighthouse.RoundRobinDistributor.from_list(rubric_dict, nodes)
# =>
#    "req-1": "node-3",
#    "req-3": "node-3",
#    "req-2": "node-3"

In this example, all workloads were assigned to node-3, since node-3 had the least room in it going into scheduling, since it had the least disk space.

BinPackDistributor first attempts to place workloads by score, but if two workloads share the same score, BinPackDistributor will try to place the workload in sorted order ascending by name of the nodes. So a node named “a” will be tried before a node named “b” if both nodes share the same score.

Placement Enforcement

At the time of placement of a workload onto a node, the requirements are subtracted from the node’s resources so as to keep track of what nodes still have room left for more assignments. In particular, all attributes associated with the node must register with a quantity at or above zero in order for the assignment to succeed at assignment time.

This allows for some interesting possibilities for how to enforce where workloads can be assigned in your cluster of nodes.

Node Tagging

Sometimes it is desirable to mark a particular node as specifically dedicated to a particular type of workload. When this is desired, it is simply a matter of adding a resource to a node with zero as the quantity:

nodes = lighthouse.Nodes.from_list([
        "name": "node1",
        "resources": {
           "dedicated": 0.0,

Then, simply place a similar attribute in the requirements dictionary of the workloads that should be run on the dedicated nodes:

workloads = lighthouse.Workloads.from_list([
        "name": "workload1",
        "requirements": {
            "dedicated": 0.0,

This works because all requirements listed for a workload must be present on the node and none may be allowed to be below zero, but zero is okay.

For example:

nodes = lighthouse.Node.from_list([
        "name": "phillip",
        "resources": {
            "bravery": 25,
            "kindness": 25
        "name": "charming",
        "resources": {
            "bravery": 25,
            "kindness": 25,
            "nice-castle": 0,
workloads = lighthouse.Workload.from_list([
        "name": "snow-white",
        "requirements": {
            "nice-castle": 0,

Any distributor attempting to assign these workloads to the nodes via attempt_assign_loads will yield the following assignment:

    "snow-white": "charming"

This is because prince charming has the nice-castle “tag”, while phillip does not.

Tags also ensure that no assignment will be made if tags are not present:

no_room = lighthouse.Node.from_list([
        "name": "phillip",
        "resources": {
            "bravery": 25,
            "kindness": 25
        "name": "charming",
        "resources": {
            "bravery": 25,
            "kindness": 25

Any distributor attempting to assign these workloads to the nodes via attempt_assign_loads will yield the following assignment:

    "snow-white": None

This is because none of the princes (nodes) had a nice-castle “tag” present in their resources.


Often it is convenient to limit how many of a particular type of workload is allowed to be placed on a node. This is done simply by listing a resource in a node’s resource map and in relevant workload’s requirements maps. The pattern is to list the number of workloads a node can handle at the same time in the semaphore as the number for the resource in the node, and list 1 as the quantity for the requirement for each workload. For example:

nodes = lighthouse.Node.from_list([
        "name": "prince",
        "resources": {
            "bravery": 25,
            "kindness": 25,
            "nice-castle": 0,
            "wife": 1
workloads = lighthouse.Workload.from_list([
        "name": "aurora",
        "requirements": {
            "bravery": 12,
            "nice-castle": 0,
            "wife": 1,
        "name": "buttercup",
        "requirements": {
            "bravery": 12,
            "nice-castle": 0,
            "wife": 1,
        "name": "cinderella",
        "requirements": {
            "bravery": 12,
            "nice-castle": 0,
            "wife": 1,

In this example, the node is a potential suitor for a number of fairy tale princesses. The prince can only have a single wife, and so wife is listed as a resource with quantity 1. This is the semaphore. Any distributor based off of those nodes will yield the same results as assignments if attempt_assign_loads is called:

    "aurora": "prince",
    "buttercup": None,
    "cinderella": None

The PrioritizedDistributor and RoundRobinDistributor will both schedule the first given princess in the list, aurora, but will not be able to schedule the remaining princesses. BinPackDistributor will likewise schedule aurora first because the scores of the workloads based on any reasonable (non-negative) rubric will show that they have the same sizes of requirements, and aurora sorts before the other names.

Wards and Immunities

This concept is similar to Kubernetes’ Taints and Tolerations idea, but also has nuances to it that make it more flexible.

The idea is to mark a particular set of nodes as unavailable for workloads unless those workloads specifically opt into being run on those nodes.

We do this in pylighthouse using Wards and Immunities.

It is perfectly valid to list negative values for resources at node construction time; however, as has been previously explained, if there are any resources in a node with negative quantity at assignment time of a workload, the workload will not be able to be attached to the node.

A negative resource with a finite quantity is called a shortcoming, while a negative resource of infinite or very large quantity may be termed a ward.

Negative resources can be overcome by a resource in one of two ways.

First, for negative resources of finite quantity, this can be overcome by simply listing a negative requirement. That way, when one is subtracted from the other, the result will be zero:

nodes = lighthouse.Node.from_list([
        "id: "node1",
        "resources": {
           "flies": -5.0,
workloads = lighthouse.Workload.from_list([
        "name": "workload1",
        "requirements": {
            "flies": -5.0,

This may be used to list “shortcomings” of a node that precludes it from having workloads scheduled on it unless at least one workload has a sufficient tolerance to the shortcoming.

Second, we list a node up front at construction time with a ward:

nodes = lighthouse.Node.from_list([
        "name": "node1",
        "resources": {
           "spiders": -float("inf")

In this scenario, workloads will not be able to overcome the ward no matter how finitely resilient the workload is. However, we can list an immunity on the workload.

An immunity in a workload tells pylighthouse to ignore whatever value exists for a resource in a node at assignment time of the workload. So, in order to schedule a workload on the node listed above, we can simply add "spiders" to the set of immunities for the workload:

workloads = lighthouse.Workload.from_list([
        "name": "workload1",
        "requirements": {
        "immunities": set([

Aversion Groups

Aversion Groups correspond to anti-affinity groups in other scheduling schemes.

Put simply, any aversion group listed for a workload causes that workload to “prefer” to be scheduled on a node without any other workloads listed as “belonging” to the same aversion group, like this::

# ...
nodes = lighthouse.Node.from_list([
        "name": "node1",
        "resources": {
           # ...
        "name": "node2",
        "resources": {
           # ...

workloads = lighthouse.Workload.from_list([
        "name": "workload1",
        "requirements": {
            # ...
        "aversion_groups": set([
            # ...
        "name": "workload2",
        "requirements": {
            # ...
        "aversion_groups": set([
            # ...

In the above example, both workload1 and workload2 will try really hard to be scheduled on different nodes, becuase they both list the io-bound aversion group in their aversion groups list.

In this example, we have two houses and two college students. Each student goes to a different local university and is part of the same cross-school rivalry. We may model this scenario like this:

nodes = lighthouse.Node.from_list([
        "name": "house-1",
        "resources": {
            "bathroom": 25,
            "bedroom": 10,
            "kitchen": 10
        "name": "house-2",
        "resources": {
            "bathroom": 25,
            "bedroom": 10,
            "kitchen": 15
workloads = lighthouse.Workload.from_list([
        "name": "college-student-1",
        "requirements": {
            "bathroom": 5,
            "bedroom": 2,
            "kitchen": 2
        "aversion_groups": [
        "name": "college-student-2",
        "requirements": {
            "bathroom": 5,
            "bedroom": 2,
            "kitchen": 2
        "aversion_groups": [


The above example shows that aversion_groups can be specified as a list or set when calling Workload.from_list, but they are internally represented as sets.

Although there is plenty of room for both college students to live in the same house, any distributor attempting to assign these workloads to the nodes via attempt_assign_loads will yield the following assignment:

    "college-student-1": "house-1",
    "college-student-2": "house-2"

As can be seen, even though there is plenty of room for both students to be in the same house, they are put in different houses due to them being in the same rivalry (aversion group).

However, if there is no other house in which they might live, the students will still reluctantly be scheduled together. Using this list of nodes instead of the one above:

nodes = lighthouse.Node.from_list([
        "name": "house-1",
        "resources": {
            "bathroom": 25,
            "bedroom": 10,
            "kitchen": 10

The assignments would look like this instead:

    "college-student-1": "house-1",
    "college-student-2": "house-1"